厦门大学分子影像暨转化医学研究中心成立旨在汇聚从事分子影像和转化医学研究的优秀科学家,并在较短时间内将该中心建设成一个具有鲜明学科交叉特色、拥有世界一流研究水准的协同创新研发中心。中心拥有完善的小动物分子影像设备和放射性药物实验室,包括已购置的医用回旋加速器 (IBA Cyclone 18/9 HC)、多功能放射药物合成系统 (IBA Synthera)和已安装到位的小动物PET/CT (Siemens Inveon)、SPECT/CT (Mediso nanoScan SC)、小动物高场强MRI (Bruker 9.4T/200mm)、小动物多光谱光声断层扫描成像系统 (Endra Nexus 128)、生物发光小动物活体成像系统 (Caliper IVIS Lumina II)、荧光小动物活体成像系统 (Carestream FX Pro)等先进、完善的分子影像研究设备,开展立足分子影像学及转化医学前沿的基础及临床研究和满足国家战略需求的高技术研究。
The Center for Molecular Imaging and Translational Medicine (CMITM) was established to bring together scientists who share a common interest in developing and using state-of-the-art imaging technology and developing molecular imaging assays for studying intact biological systems. CMITM has a small animal imaging facility, a radiopharmaceutical facility, including cyclotron (IBA Cyclone 18/9 HC), automated radiolabeling module (IBA Synthera), and animal magnetic resonance imaging (Bruker 9.4T/200mm microMRI), positron emission tomography combined with computed tomography (Siemens Inveon microPET/CT), single photon emission computed tomography combined with CT (Mediso nanoScan SC SPECT/CT), photoacoustic imaging system (Endra Nexus 128), bioluminescence imaging system (Caliper IVIS Lumina II), and fluorescence Imaging system (Carestream FX Pro).
We invite applications for the graduate admissions and postdoctoral fellowship positions from all of the world!